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At Hawkesbury Herbs we offer Naturopathy and Iridology consultations that focus on a wholistic approach to health.

Book an appointment with one of our accredited professionals to feel inspired, supported and empowered to take charge of your wellness journey today.

Consultations are offered at both our Richmond and Windsor locations, or as a Telehealth (online) appointment.

Richmond (Hawkesbury Herbs Shop)

2/209-211 Windsor Street, Richmond NSW 2753



Room 2 - The Old Hawkesbury Hospital

6 Christie Street, Windsor NSW 2756

About Naturopathy

Naturopathy is a holistic approach to health care and wellness, aiming to educate individuals on taking care of their own health and driving their own health journey. It is a complementary therapy, used alongside other medical and therapeutic techniques, and emphasises natural practices and the principle that the body has an intrinsic ability to heal itself when the body, mind, and emotions are supported during the healing process.


The six foundation principles practiced by naturopaths are:


1. First, do no harm

2. The healing power of nature

3. Find and treat the cause whenever possible, not only the symptoms

4. Doctor as teacher

5. Treat the whole person

6. Education and prevention


Our accredited naturopaths support your health and wellness goals by working with you one-on-one to create a treatment plan tailored to meet your specific needs.


Take a natural approach

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What to expect

Initial Consultation

90 minutes | $150 


In your first consultation we will work with you to build an overall picture of your current health by conducting an extensive holistic case history, covering the physical, mental and emotional aspects of your life. By gathering important information on your lifestyle, diet, medical and family history, and physical self, we can work to identify how best to help you achieve your health goals.


Your initial consultation will involve:

  • Assessment of your current diet and lifestyle habits, as well as social and environmental factors 

  • Discussion of your past and current health concerns and goals

  • A lifestyle, diet, iridology, nail, and tongue analysis. This can help point out any potential deficiencies and weaknesses in the body

  • A comprehensive analysis of your personal history, which will help us to connect the dots and inform your treatment going forward


We will work together to devise a customised treatment plan, empowering you to take charge of your health and allow for greater personal success.

Follow Up Consultations

30-60 minutes | $75


Follow up consultations are an important part of your holistic health journey and the overall progress of your treatment.


By following up after your initial consultation, we can ensure that you are feeling good about your plan so far, revise any strategies, support your progress, and review your treatment plan as needed.


$90 -  Practitioners Jess and Andria​

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